Driving and facilitating change in the building industry to ensure a viable future.

bâtiment cubique nobatek

With conviction and inventiveness, we design and transfer new models, products and services for sustainable construction and renovation.


With conviction and inventiveness, we design and transfer new models, products and services for sustainable construction and renovation.

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Project references

ENSNARE: prefabricated facade solutions


projet européen ENSNARE

NEBULA: network of Innovation Clusters accross Europe


logo nebula

STAR*track: networks to support innovation in the building sector


logo star track

Nature4Cities: Nature Based Solutions for re-naturing cities


logo du projet européen nature4cities de nobatek

Our story

photo de groupe incluant les salariés et les associés de Nobatek

Collective, responsible

Initially created as a non-profit association, and then a Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif (SCIC) in 2017, Nobatek has always been committed to the energy and environmental transition in the building sector, with a governance structure that is representative of the various stakeholders in the industry: manufacturers, contracting authorities, architects, engineering offices, companies, local authorities, and federations.

The SCIC now has more than 80 associated structures. The SCIC structure enables and encourages us to collaborate with other players on a national scale, whose main role is to oversee our development.

… and focused on innovation

From the start, our positioning has been forward-thinking and strongly focused on innovation. Nobatek was recognised as a Technology Resource Centre (TRC) in 2007, then as a National Institute for the Energy Transition in Buildings in 2013.

The collective adventure continues, as we celebrate our 20th anniversary this year!

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