Nature4Cities: Nature Based Solutions for re-naturing cities
The Nature4Cities team has developed complementary and interactive tools to raise awareness of Nature-based Solutions (NBS), which have been integrated into the Nature4Cities platform. The platform developped offerq technical solutions, methods and tools to empower urban planning decision making.
The aim is to help respond to the contemporary environmental, social and economic challenges faced by European cities.
The Nature4Cities project aims to overcome obstacles to the integration of nature within urban environments by offering knowledge and urban planning tools tailored to new governance models, business approaches, and financing methods. It also introduces new assessment capabilities to aid in the design and implementation of sustainable green networks (SGN).
Currently, the platform includes eight modules designed to assist project developers in planning, designing, and implementing nature-based solutions (NBS).
The project has released a white paper titled “Solutions fondées sur la Nature : une nouvelle approche pour une planification urbaine résiliente” (Nature-Based Solutions: A New Approach to Resilient Urban Planning). This opensource document (FR) aims to enhance understanding of nature-based solutions (NBS) and their benefits.
NOBATEK served as the coordinator for this project, overseeing all activities. The team was responsible for developing the Life Cycle Assessment method for Sustainable Food Networks (SFNs). They coordinated demonstration activities, which included applying the developed tools at 10 pilot sites located in four European cities:
- Città Metropolitana di Milano (Italy)
- Çankaya-Ankara (Turkey)
- Szeged (Hungary)
- Alcalá de Henares (Spain)
7,4M€. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 730468.
Time period
2016 – 2021
Tecnalia, Eurecat, Cartif, LIST, Cerema, University of Nantes , AgrocampusOuest, Universityof Szeged, Middle East TechnicalUniversity, AccionaConstruction, AccionaIngeneria, Rina Consulting, R2M Solution, Ekodenge, Innova Integra, Duneworks, Argedor, Terranis, Colouree, Green4Cities, Grün stattGrau, Plante & Cité, HungarianUrban KnowledgeCenter, CittàMetropolitanadi Milano, Çankaya-Ankara, Szeged, Alcala de Henares.