Cultural-E: climate and cultural-based solutions for Plus Energy Buildings





Bâtiment à énergie positive, image d'illustration du projet européen Cultural-e


The CULTURAL-E European project, coordinated by EURAC, aims to define, design, and construct a new generation of positive-energy residential buildings. To achieve this goal, a variety of technologies are being developed, with the ultimate objective of building four positive energy buildings (BEPOS) in four different European countries: Italy, Norway, Germany, and France.

Bâtiment à énergie positive, image d'illustration du projet européen Cultural-e


The energy aspect is important, but equal focus is given to the cultural dimension. The definition of positive energy has been revised to better reflect specific climatic and cultural conditions.

Additionally, the developed solutions are carefully managed to consider the needs of users and the appropriate levels of management.


NOBATEK is leading the development of technologies essential for achieving Positive Energy Residential Buildings status. Our teams are also collaborating with VILOGIA on the design and construction of a demonstrator building that meets these targets.


The European Union. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 870072.

Time period

2019 – 2025


Eurac, Vilogia, Architects’​ Council of Europe (ACE-CAE), RMIT Europe, Università Ca’​ Foscari Venezia, University of Stuttgart, Brunel University of London, SINTEF, siz energieplus, WohnbauStudio, Abicoop, Bærum kommune, advanticsys, Ventive Limited, Eurofinestra, VORTICE S.p.a., BuildUp, CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)

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