BIM4REN: Building Information Modelling based tools & technologies For fast and efficient RENovation of residential buildings
BIM4Ren aims to create a collaborative platform that facilitates the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for energy renovation projects in residential buildings. The project is designed to support companies of all sizes, with a particular emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The tools and methodologies developed through this initiative will be tested in various scenarios across three pilot sites located in France, Italy, and Spain.
The advancements should enable the following:
- The creation of digital models of existing buildings.
- The use of these models to enhance energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption through improved design.
Additional actions include publishing a BIM (Building Information Modeling) scheme for renovations, integrating BIM with thermal simulation tools, and digitizing buildings based on descriptive documentation.
As the project coordinator, NOBATEK is leading all activities. Our teams have developed a tool for extracting information from text documents to enhance BIM models, as well as a property management tool that oversees BIM models and audit data.
NOBATEK is also involved in extending IFC models for energy renovation, validating mock-ups, and modeling renovation scenarios.
7M€ by the European Union.
Time period
2018 – 2022
CSTB, Tecnalia, RWTH Aachen University, TNO, Ekodenge, IES, EBC, R2M, AEC3, WiseBIM, Logirep, EDF, COMET, Green Building Council Italia, Fraunhofer ISE, EnerBIM, Kursaal Green, VRM Technology, TermoLine, CMB Carpi, ATIProject, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.