Who we are

bâtiment cubique nobatek

NOBATEK is a private applied research centre, the National Institute for the Energy and Environmental Transition in Buildings.

photo de groupe des 65 salariés de nobatek


To drive and facilitate change in the building industry to ensure a viable future.


To be the leading partner for those seeking to increase their commitment to the environment and society.


With conviction and inventiveness, we design and transfer new models, products and services for sustainable construction and renovation.

Meet the team

Our impact

facade batiment nobatek

We aim to maximize the impact of our work and play a crucial role in the research and development (R&D) projects we undertake. Our efforts respond to the needs of the industry as well as to environmental and societal issues.

We focus on every stage of the building life cycle, including:

  • Design
  • Construction
  • Operation
  • Renovation
  • Deconstruction

Our initiatives operate at four geographical levels:

  • Local: Through construction projects.
  • Regional: By creating labels and geo-sourced industrial sectors.
  • National: Through emblematic projects and industrial transfer.
  • European: By collaborating with universities, leading technology centers, and economic stakeholders.

Our story

From an innovative regional research center to the National Institute for Energy Transition in Buildings.

NOBATEK is the fruit of a meeting between people and of a strong will. Our development is the result of a concerted strategy, the support of our founders, and the involvement of our teams.

2004 Nobatek is founded

Nobatek is taking shape with the support, and on the model, of the TECNALIA European Foundation for Applied Research, based in the Basque Country. The aim is to develop approaches to the high environmental quality of buildings. The not-for-profit association is supported by the French building federations (FFB, FNTP), local authorities (CR Aquitaine, ACBA, CG64, Anglet town council, etc.), APAVE Sud Europe, the French government (ADEME, D2RT) and the local ecosystem of the ARKINOVA mixed development zone (ISA BTP, Lycée Cantau, FCMB, etc.).

Activity: €120,000

2007 Technology Research Centre (TRC) label

The CRT label, awarded by the Ministries of Research and Industry, identifies the technological support structures that are best placed to provide a professional response to the needs of SMEs and SMIs.

Activity: €800,000

2009 Inauguration of our headquarters in Anglet

Our building, imagined by our teams and the architect Patrick Arotcharen, is just getting off the ground in the Arkinova zone in Anglet.

Activity: €1.8m

2013 Labelling National Institute for Energy Transition (ITE) in the Building Sector – INEF4

At the initiative of a consortium of 5 founding members (NOBATEK, the Aquitaine Regional Council, Cercle Promodul, FCBA and the University of Bordeaux), the INEF4 platform benefits from the government’s support for future investments.

Activity: €3m

2014 Nobatek celebrates its 10th anniversary!

To mark the occasion, we are publishing a book retracing our first 10 years.

Activity: €4m

2017 Transformation of the Nobatek non-profit association and the INEF4 platform into a single company in the form of a SCIC: NOBATEK/INEF4

A SCIC (Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif) is a French cooperative model designed to serve the common good and involve multiple stakeholders in its governance.

Activity: €4,2m

2018 Partnership with the Cercle Promodul/INEF4 endowment fund

The NOBATEK and Cercle Promodul teams are working together for mutual benefit, focusing on innovation and sharing industrial needs.

Activity: €5.1m

2024 20th anniversary

20 years of commitment and conviction!

Activity: €6m

They support our development